Innovative blank design and carbon technology. This product has no reviews yet, however see what our buyers say about our other products.. We will send the correct invoice with.
International orders are generally received in under 14 days. Back Orders: If your item is not in stock, we may back order for you. You will always be emailed with the option to cancel your order if you would rather not wait. I don't know how you feel but I absolutely LOVE receiving parcels by post. It can be quite exciting to open up the package to see what's inside.
Almost as good as Christmas :. So we do our best to ensure that you receive what you order as quickly as possible and without problems. We don't want to spoil your enjoyment. But sometimes things do go wrong, despite our best intentions. We have to rely on people who are not employed by us e. However, if the worst happens, we want to put things right as quickly as possible. We need YOUR help to achieve this. Don't delay in telling us if something is wrong - even if you think you can put it right without bothering us.We WANT to be bothered; that's what you are paying for.