Carp Pole Fishing

Fox RX+ Micron 3 Rod Set Fishing Carp

Fox RX+ Micron 3 Rod Set Fishing Carp

Fox RX+ Micron 3 Rod Set Fishing Carp    Fox RX+ Micron 3 Rod Set Fishing Carp

Fox RX+ Micron 3 Rod Set Fishing Carp. " style="min-height:15px;min-width:15px;>. The Fox RX+ 3 Rod Presentation Set contains three RX+ single bite alarm heads and one RX+ receiver. The receiver has a useful bivvy light function which is activated with three bite triggers in quick succession, preventing false indications.

The alarm heads and receiver all need AA batteries (not included). All Require AA batteries (not included).

+44 (0)1948 838 650. Hampton Springs, Shay Lane Hampton, Malpas SY14 8AD.
Fox RX+ Micron 3 Rod Set Fishing Carp    Fox RX+ Micron 3 Rod Set Fishing Carp